Legal Notices


Legal entity

Fromagerie GERMAIN

Registered Office: Z.I. Champ Miolin – VAUX SOUS AUBIGNY – 52190 LE MONTSAUGEONNAIS

Tel. N°: 03 25 84 89 50

Commercial Register: CHAUMONT B 613 850 080

A simplified joint stock company with 77,840 euros capital

Publication Manager : Pierre FILAUDEAU



A cookie is an indicator placed on your computer hard disk by our website with the sole aim of making browsing on our site easier for you during future visits.

Our Internet site can use cookie technology to:

– Develop site browsing statistics,

– Guarantee the operation of certain site applications requiring cookies,


This site uses the following cookies:

– Name of the cookie: Drupal.tableDrag.showWeight, has_js
The Drupal content management system defines these cookies to retain the preferences of your user interface.

– Name of the cookie: SESS[Unique ID]
This cookie allows connection to the site and storage of the submitted forms; this cookie is important for site functionality and your user experience.

– Name of the cookie: __utma, __utmb, __utmc, __utmz
We use the Google Analytics software, which creates 4 cookies enabling us to have a better understanding of how our visitors browse: pages viewed, time spent, etc., always with the aim of improving the content of our site. These statistics are global, and no individual data is stored.


Your Choices Regarding Cookies and Web Tags

You have the option to configure your browser to accept or reject all cookies, notify you when a cookie is issued, how long it is valid and what it contains and enabling you to refuse to accept it on your terminal and delete your cookies periodically.

You can configure your Internet browser to disable cookies. However, note that if you disable cookies, your user name and your password will no longer be stored on any web site.

Refer to the following site for more information regarding ways of deleting and controlling the cookies stored on your computer:


How to configure your browser

1. Open Firefox
2. Press the “Alt” key
3. In the menu at the top of the page, click “Tools” and then “Options”
4. Select the “Privacy and Security” panel
5. In the “Save history” drop-down menu on the right, click “use customised settings for the history”
6. Further down uncheck the “Accept cookies” box
7. Save your preferences by clicking “OK”

Internet Explorer:
1. Open Internet Explorer
2. In the “Tools” menu, select “Internet options”
3. Click the “Privacy” tab
4. Check the “Override automatic cookie handling” box. This unblocks the options located below
5. Click “Advanced” and uncheck the “Accept” box
6. Save your preferences by clicking “OK”

Google Chrome:
1. Open Google Chrome
2. Click the tools icon in the menu bar on the right of the search bar, represented by three horizontal bars
3. Select “Settings”
4. At the bottom of the page, click “Advanced…”
5. In the “Privacy and security” section, click “Content settings” and check the “Block third party cookies and data” box
6. Save your preferences by clicking “OK”

1. Open Safari
2. In the menu bar at the top, click “Safari” and then “Preferences”
3. Select the “Security” icon
4. Check “Never”, located next to “Accept cookies”
5. If you want to view the cookies already stored on your computer, click “Show cookies”


Intellectual property and liability


Liability clause

The information onlined by “Fromagerie GERMAIN” is reserved for private use. Any other use is prohibited. Moreover, “Fromagerie GERMAIN” in no way guarantees the accuracy of any information given and therefore cannot be held liable for the content of this information and resulting use.

In general, “Fromagerie GERMAIN” cannot be held liable for any direct or indirect damages resulting from use of the website


Intellectual property

All of the elements present on the site remain the sole property of “Fromagerie GERMAIN” and are protected by intellectual property law. You are not authorised to reproduce these elements, irrespective of the means or medium, without the express consent of the site Publication Director.



The information provided on this website by Fromagerie GERMAIN is given for information purposes only and has no contractual value.

Fromagerie GERMAIN will endeavour to keep this website up to date. Nonetheless, Fromagerie GERMAIN guarantees neither the accuracy or exhaustive nature of any information whatsoever presented on the website. In particular, should product information on the website differ, the packaging details take precedence.

The reproduction or presentation of pages, data or any other component element of the website, in whole or in part, by any process or on any medium whatsoever, unless authorised by the publisher, will constitute an infringement.

The brands indicated on the site are deposited by the companies owning the brands and are protected by intellectual property law.


Site access

Fromagerie GERMAIN endeavours to maintain site accessibility without, however, being held by any obligation to do so. It is pointed out, however, that access to the website might be interrupted for purposes of maintenance, updating and for any other reason, notably for technical purposes.

Fromagerie GERMAIN cannot, under any circumstances, be held liable for these interruptions and the resulting consequences for the user.

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that the Internet is a system that can be accessed by anyone. Whenever you willingly disclose personal details, you do so at your own risk. This data may fall into the hands of people for whom it is not intended.


GERMAIN website charter of use



The deposit of photos/text/comments on the Fromagerie GERMAIN is moderated.

Information deposited is stored and then disseminated after validation by the moderator.

Fromagerie GERMAIN reserves the right to moderate beforehand any items deposited containing detrimental statements or visuals.

Fromagerie GERMAIN reserves the right of publication for any content deposited on its website, without being required to justify its action to users whose information has been deleted. No complaints will be accepted.


Copyright compliance

Fromagerie GERMAIN is governed by the Intellectual Property Code Any reproduction of the content of another website, forum or protected digital content is assimilated to plagiarism and is prohibited. A work (book, song, article from the press, etc.) cannot be reproduced on the Internet without authorisation from the author or its beneficiaries (editor, producer, etc.).

However, analyses, summaries and short quotations are possible, provided the author’s name and source are indicated and possibly a link to the full text. As per Article L.111-1 of the Intellectual Property Code, the author of a work of the mind possesses full rights over this work, whether moral or economic. The authors of messages must also ensure they do not reproduce messages on forums on other media without the authorisation of their authors and must quote the original forum, adding a link to the message concerned.


Deletion of messages

The Fromagerie GERMAIN moderator reserves the right to delete any messages that may appear irrelevant, harmful, threatening, libellous, racist, revisionist, pornographic, of a commercial nature, beside the point, etc.. You can also ask the moderator to delete your own messages. Simply indicate the exact title of the message concerned and your email address.


Good manners

Please be tolerant, courteous and respectful of others to ensure that the Fromagerie GERMAIN website remains a pleasant site to exchange viewpoints. Any controversy or visuals that might degenerate into harmful or libellous issues will result in deletion of the messages. The fundamental rules of politeness, good manners and respect for others are to be unreservedly applied on the forums. Moreover, it is prohibited to post messages using different pseudonyms in order to mislead Internet users. These messages will be systematically deleted and the authors may be prohibited from ever publishing further messages, with no appeal possible.


Personal messages

The Fromagerie GERMAIN website is a community space. Every message/photo can therefore be viewed by any Internet user. Please avoid private messages of no interest to other Internet users. The moderator reserves the right to delete any messages not compliant with this rule.


Respect for privacy

It is formally prohibited to quote personal details such as a phone number or email address. Copies of private messages or emails are prohibited (violation of correspondence secrecy). It is prohibited by the French Data Privacy Act dated 06/01/1978 to collect personal information from public Internet spaces (discussion forums, websites, directories, etc.) without the knowledge of Internet users. Moreover, Article 9 of the French Civil Code and Article 8 of the European Human Rights Convention state that, to quote personal data or information concerning third parties without their express consent constitutes an invasion of privacy, which will lead to deletion of the message.


Input of information

Please comply with the following rules when preparing your messages: do not write in capital letters, do not write in “text message” language and do not inundate the site by sending the same message or photo several times, failing which it will be immediately deleted.



In all cases, the statements made in any messages left are published under the responsibility of their authors who must ensure compliance with personal privacy law and French law in general.

We must point out that offences such as the following are condemned by law: justification of war crimes, paedophilia, incitation to murder or suicide, incitation to discrimination or racial hatred.

Internet users cannot be held liable for the content or truth of text published on their sites. Please kindly check the information with official sources.


Message referencing

Messages posted in the community are likely to be referenced on search engines outside of the website


Commercial messages

All commercial messages will be systematically deleted from the Fromagerie GERMAIN website. Advertising for a commercial entity is strictly prohibited.


Information collected and protection of addresses

Fromagerie GERMAIN management will not use any information collected for commercial purposes. Fromagerie GERMAIN will however keep the email addresses and IP addresses of users to precede private archiving of these forums. This information may subsequently be handed over to a Court of Law if requested.