Epoisses Waffles, Spinach and Whipped

  • 6 pers.
  • 15 min
  • 24 min
  • medium


  • For the waffle dough:
  • 300 g of fresh spinach
  • 120 g of flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 10 cl of milk
  • 60 g of melted butter + 5 g of butter
  • 80 g of Germain Epoisses
  • Freshly ground salt and pepper
  • For the whipped cream with herbs:
  • 10cl of chilled double cream
  • A few sprigs of chive, basil and parsley
  • The juice from half a lemon


  • 1
    In the saucepan, sauté the spinach for a few minutes in a little butter. When it is cooked, drain it thoroughly to remove all the water.
  • 2
    In the bowl of a food processor, add the flour, the eggs, the milk, the melted butter then mix thoroughly. Then, add the spinach and the Epoisses cut into pieces and mix again.
  • 3
    Cook your waffles in a waffle maker for approximately 2 minutes on both sides.
  • 4
    Then, prepare the herb flavoured whipped cream. Finely cut the herbs. In a bowl (ideally placed in the freezer a few minutes beforehand), pour in the chilled cream, then using an electric mixer beat it to a whipped cream consistency. Afterwards, add the herbs, the lemon juice, a dash of salt then mix it one last time before placing it on the waffles.
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